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Customized Coaching Program


Reconnect to Your Power, Energy, and Femininity.

Transformational Experience

You’ve heard these words before:

Clarity. Alignment. Intentional Action. Balance.


You may have even used them. 


Now, you’re invited to EXPERIENCE these words on a soul level that will change the way you live.


Join us for:


 4-Day Online Experience for Women Who Want More Energy. 


More Sparkle. More Life.

DATES 2024

Please join the waiting list to receive info about kick off dates


More richness, more beauty, more joy and more meaning.


With Certified Life Coach and Founder of Full Feel Life, Raluca Gagea

Brought to you with passion by the School of Feminine Living



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We are fractured. 


We have been pulled into categories - Work Woman. Mom Woman. Wife Woman. 

At the end of the day, do we know who we are anymore?

You’re invited into the secrets to a Full Feel life - the lifestyle led by your Feminine and supported by all the parts of you.

Experience My 4-Element Framework to Bloom Exactly Where You’re Planted - 

Without Changing a Thing.

You don’t need to leave your job, move to the seashore, or leave your relationship to start embodying all the parts of you.

Your Integrated, Feminine Self is Ready to be Revealed.

Let Your Feminine Energy Lead - and Discover True Power.

Strong. Passionate. Playful. Daring.

Breathing with all her senses.

In love with life. Powerfully present.

Boldly authentic.

Who is SHE? What does SHE desire?

Welcome to the Path of Feminine Living.

Together, we’re solving the energy crisis that is resulting from the modern way of life. We’re drained. Exhausted. Questioning if what we do even matters.

It’s Time to Reunite The Parts Within Us and GLOW.

Know WHAT you want.

Know WHO you are.

Live it Out Loud.

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During This Virtual Experience, 

We will focus on:

Day 1: Clarity

Leading with desire is the instant shift that puts your feminine in the driver’s seat.

There are desires you are not nurturing. We have been taught to turn our faces away from our desires and towards a very specific story of success.

Ask yourself: Is the “success” you’ve achieved soulful

Is it YOUR success story, or built on a default vision?


A Full Feel Woman leads with her desires. A woman living in her feminine doesn’t affirm the story of “stressed and overwhelmed” because it’s a low-level energy path to her dreams.


A Full Feel Woman takes the high-level energy path. She stops trying to fix problems, achieve more of the wrong things, and plug leaks.


She is pulled by her visions and effortlessly, immediately, experiences more energy. Joy. Congruence. True Power.

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Day 2: Alignment

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Discovering and nurturing your suppressed and forgotten parts leads to vibrant living, every day.


The masculine paradigm teaches us to compartmentalize our identities. Work Woman, Mom Woman, Intimate Relationship Woman. We are fractured.


The Full Feel Woman has discovered and re-integrated all of her parts to become Whole.


There are parts of you that are screaming not OUT loud, and one of them is HER

During ALIGNMENT, you’ll coax out the gorgeous, suppressed, multi-dimensional siren who will design your high-level energy path.

Once you meet Her, you’ll want to meet all your incredible, hidden parts and begin to integrate them into a Whole Full Feel Woman.

Day 3: Focused Action

Becoming your full self isn’t just a daydream. It’s how you BE. It’s the focused action you take in the world.


Your full, authentic self is how you GLOW, everywhere, all the time.


Allow your Full Feel Woman to enjoy a taste of profound coaching in this incredibly special 90-minute group experience. 


On days 1 and 2, you met and honored the feminine part of you that will guide you out of the trap of the masculine paradigm.


Today you discover, what will she DO? What will stop her? How will she overcome obstacles on her path to aligned living?


It’s exciting. Vulnerable. Sometimes confusing. That’s what coaching is here to help with.

In this coaching experience, discover the power of taking focused action that’s nurtured by your beautiful spirit.


Invite your Full Feel Woman to say goodbye to pushing into action, and hello to desire-lead goals.

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Day 4: Balance and Pleasure

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Balance doesn’t mean squeezing out an hour of “me time” to offset the busy work week.


The feminine is drawn to savoring the pleasures of life that we overlook while our heads are down trying to fulfill everyone’s expectations. 


Here’s life on autopilot: Lunch at the desk. Putting together the school project while making dinner and checking work emails. Promising to connect with girlfriends and never having the chance.

Autopilot is not a fully felt, balanced life. A balanced life is memorable. Do you remember what you had for lunch yesterday? The last time you belly laughed?


Let’s explore pleasure and self-expression together in a safe coaching space where all your integrated, gorgeous parts can dream as gorgeously as SHE desires.


During our final session together, we’ll design, experience, and share a taste of your Full Feel Day.


Experience the contrast between a masculine paradigm day, and a gorgeous, multi-dimensional, delicious day that gives you energy and delight beyond what you can imagine!​


You'll never be the same again.

I can’t wait to meet you.

I’m Raluca Gagea, and I’m a Full-Feel Life Whisperer, Lifestyle Coach, and Founder of the School of Feminine Living.

Once upon a time I could fit 5 business days into one Monday. ( I still can - but I choose when I want to!) But I was so exhausted, I couldn’t enjoy the beautiful life I had created. None of it reached me on the inside, even though it looked amazing on the outside.


I could feel my body keeping the score of endless stress, unspoken desires, and switched-off passions. I felt a constant pull to reawaken the parts of me that knew how to live vibrantly, alive, powerfully.


I dove into the science of life and leadership coaching and developed the Full Feel Coaching Framework to help women break free of the lie of “doing it all,” and instead learn to take  focused action that gets beautiful results

Today, I get to experience deep, fulfilling connections with the people I love. I am present and joyful for my family. I attentively, lovingly curate delightful experiences for myself and the people I love. I get to work in a meaningful way that gives me more energy.


How did I do it? By doing the pleasurable work of designing a Full Feel Life, fueled by desire and a high-level energy path.

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Through the School of Feminine Living, I coach women to bloom exactly where they’re planted so they can turn their faces to the sun and soak in the beauty that’s right before them.

Are You Ready to Experience a Life that You Feel, FULLY?


What does the GLOW Experience include?

  • 4 (four) x 90 minute online Zoom sessions in a community with beautiful women who are ready to take down the masculine paradigm learning to live in their feminine.

  • Small group coaching experience

  • Admittance to the private and confidential FLOW Facebook Community for support, uplifting, celebration, and fun contests!

  • The Full Feel FLOW guided journal to record your transformation as your shifts happen overnight

  • Limited time access to all call recordings so you can revisit the most powerful moments again and again.

Have a Peek into my FullFeel Life in Action: 

Take the first step to unlocking your power and energy.


Join GLOW, a 4 day transformational experience

Raluca Gagea, CPC, ACC,  ELI-PM



London, UK

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Join me on social media, and get a sneak peek into a FullFeel life in action. Soon, you’ll be on your way to creating your own FullFeel masterpiece. Not just staring at the paintbrush.

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